Chapter 8: Susan Hileman, the 9/11 Girl, MK-Ultra, Social Worker, Disassociation, CIA

Susan Annis Hileman- a victim that was shot three times by Jared Lee Loughner that Saturday morning. She was reported to have been a friend and neighbor of Roxanna Green, Christina Green’s mother. Hileman was a ‘want-to-be’ grandmother to Christina. Hileman and Roxanna Green had been friends since Hileman moved into the neighborhood in 2007. It was reported that Susan Hileman took Christina to the Giffords’ political event on the day of the shooting.
Susan Hileman is a Jewish woman who lived in the same neighborhood as Christina. After the shooting, Hileman consistently told the press that Christina wanted to change America through her 9-year-old political views. Hileman also has a blog called ‘Ashleigh Burroughs Blogspot’ and has been publishing to the blog since 2010.
When the story unfolded, I wanted to know more about Susan Hileman and her role in this shooting event. Her story, as well as other witnesses and victims were not adding up. Gun control and mental health agenda was the main focus immediately following the shooting. I began to question Hileman’s story immediately. Although I do not doubt she was a victim who was shot and underwent surgeries and recovery, I wondered why the witnesses stories, 911 calls, dispatch tapes, and media could not collaborate the story. The story unfolded as initially four shooters at the scene, all described as wearing different clothing was suddenly reduced to the lone gunman- Jared Lee Loughner.
Hileman is a 1973 Human Ecology Cornell University graduate, same as her husband Bill Hileman, Graduate of 72. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was a graduate of 1997. Hileman, according to research, spent her life in social work and has kept close ties to Cornell University.
In an interview with LIHerald,com, Hileman’s brother Jeff Annis made the following statement:
“She’s the bright, bubbly light that lights up the room when she walks in,” Annis said of his older sister. Hileman, 59, a 1969 graduate of Oceanside High School, was hit three times in the hail of gunfire, with one of the bullets shattering her hip. “Suzi tried to shield the child as the shooter went at them, but it didn’t help,” her brother-in-law, Charles Hileman, explained. Annis said that authorities believe the bullet that went through Hileman’s leg was the same one that killed Green.
“When she’s fully lucid, she knows what happened and she understands that it was the act of a crazy man,” Annis said. “And Suzi was one of the lucky ones. And how do you deal with thinking … that if your leg had been an inch over to the left or to the right, Christina would still be alive? That’s hard.”
So, according to this statement, the bullet that hit Suzi in the leg was the one that killed Christina…?
“Hileman’s friends and family describe her as a smart, active woman. She and her husband, Wilson Hileman Jr., met when they both attended Cornell University in the ’70s. They were married in the backyard of Suzi’s family home on Benjamin Road on Aug. 25, 1975.”
Hileman is a former social worker. She has many places she has lived throughout her career. In the same article, her old friend Denise Gerstenfield said:
“Hileman often mentioned 9-year-old Christina, her little neighbor who wanted to give money to charity. Whenever Hileman went away, she paid Christina to water her plants.”
“She was like a mentor for Christina,” Gerstenfield said. “That’s the only way I can describe the relationship she had with this child.”
“While Hileman wasn’t speaking to anyone in the media, she did start blogging again on Sunday. “I know that short Jewish girls from New York do get shot,” she wrote. “I know that my grandmother was right to remind me to wear nice underwear in case it had to be cut off me on the concrete in front of Safeway on a sunny Saturday morning.”
“I know that it is possible to watch the light go out of another person’s eyes,” she continued. “I do not know if it is possible to live with that knowledge. I do know that I will try.”
With the recent ongoing exposures into MK-Ultra projects and Cornell’s past affiliation with the CIA, any researcher would investigate the possibility of MK-Ultra being part of this shooting story. From different angles.. Jared Lee Loughner, Susan Hileman, Gabrielle Giffords, and the 9/11 girl. In a later section, I will discuss Loughner’s affiliation with a psychologist who had a top DoD clearance and how during his trial, he underwent the same exposed MK-Ultra programming and was forcibly drugged at the hands of the CIA.
A lawsuit was filed under the Freedom of Information Act and brought against the CIA by John Marks of the Washington-based Center for National Security Studies, exposing the CIA ARTICHOKE and MK-ULTRA mind-control programs at the hands of various universities:
“In the early 1970s former US State Department Foreign Service employee John Marks used the Freedom of Information Act to secure the release of thousands of pages of government documents describing covert CIA programmes known as MK-Delta and MK-Ultra (Marks 1979, US Senate 1977). These programmes used unwitting scientists to study methodically whether effective forms of ‘mind control’, ‘brainwashing’, interrogation and torture could be achieved. Some studies investigated whether drugs, stress or specific environmental conditions could be used to ‘break’ prisoners or to induce confessions (Marks 1979, SIHE 1960). While no effective means of mind control were identified, these programmes produced significant data on coercion and interrogation that formed the basic research for the CIA’s 1963 Kubark Counterintelligence Interrogation manual. This is the base document for the CIA interrogation and torture procedures that emerged in the 1960s and continue in the present era (CIA 1963b, 1983; McCoy 2006).”
“Allen Dulles, the 1977 CIA director, asked Harold Wolff, prominent Cornell neuropsychiatries, to set up the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology at Cornell Medical College, in order to research techniques of brainwashing, interrogation, indoctrination, and social engineering” (1977, Behavior Caper, by Patricia Greenfield, December).
Note: the above domain reference (cia-on-campus), all of its links and articles have been scrubbed from the internet. The original article, cited has been edited from the original published version.
The original link lived here:’s%20Behavior%20Caper,%20by%20Patricia%20Greenfield,%20December%201977
Hileman was educated at Cornell at the time of the MK-Ultra projects. She has retained close ties with the premier social engineering university program(s) at Cornell University. A blog writer was quoted saying:
“it would be EXCEEDINGLY NAÏVE to think that someone of her stature, with close ties to the university and its alumni, has no idea that Cornell has worked closely with the CIA on social engineering for fifty years, roughly the same time period that she has been associated with Cornell. Nonetheless, there is also no evidence that Hileman had any pre-knowledge about the events in Arizona but seems very odd that she would be involved so centrally in this event. It’s odd that she would be the one to bring Christina Green to the event.”
Note: Again, the original quote was from the following link- now scrubbed from the Internet.
It was on that day that I suggest the 9/11 girl was delivered to her predetermined locale that lies close to the 33rd degree parallel.
I was inspired to take a closer look at Hileman after her bizarre testimony and reactions she and her husband displayed, while giving an interview with CBS news about her recollection of that happened on the day that Christina Taylor Green was killed. If she was just a victim and had no other involvement, then we can dismiss all the bizarre testimonies of many of the victims and witnesses as just a coincident, but because of the media’s political war at the time, the push for more mental health agenda, more gun control, and such.. I decided to investigate these avenues.
Susan is married to Wilson T. (Bill) Hileman. I found both of their actions very strange in these interviews following the shooting. They were both displaying what appears to be fake-emotionless testimony.
“Her Carbon Copy in a 9 year-old Girl”
Bill Hileman, graduated from 1972 from Cornell University and pursued a career in investment banking. At the time, he was a managing director of Montgomery Securities, Netcom, and other affiliation investment and mortgage companies.
Bill’s wife Susan refers to the Green family as ‘The Crayolas’ in her Ashleigh Burroughs blog and strangely replays the day of the shooting. She tells the reoccurring dramatic story of how she spent the last minutes of Christina’s life with her. Hileman is quoted telling AZ Central that she begged her young friend, “Don’t die on me,” after Christina was shot in the chest. Hileman was shot in the right thigh, abdomen, and chest and survived.
Prior to the shooting, Hileman posted to her blog, Something’s Coming and it doesn’t Look Good, prior to the shooting.
I’m no more angry with them than I was with the Weathermen who blew up Sterling Hall at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. When the Little Cuter and I were doing the prospective students’ tour, our guide stopped outside that building and pointed out the discolorations which remained after the bomb exploded and Robert E. Fassnacht, a graduate student studying superconductivity – not related to military uses at all – was killed. Though the terrorists (and yes that’s just what they were) targeted the Army Math Research Center housed in the building, the unintended consequences included damage to people totally uninvolved in military research. The bombers went to jail and those protesting against the war were forced to face the fact Hell No, We Won’t Go shouters might also be mixing ammonium nitrate and fuel oil and sending a loaded van into some geek’s laboratory.
Hileman also has a gardening club (GRIN), which many children attend on a regular basis :
Hileman mentions Christina many times and her feelings about the shooting and death of the little 9/11 girl. She refers to Christina in the Blog as ‘CT’ or ‘CTG’ and her brother Dallas as ‘Texas’. An interesting note is she refers to Roxanna Green’s emotional state and claims that she is a ‘nurse’ and wants to comfort others instead of herself over the tragedy. Research has already shown and exposed that Roxanna Green, the mother of the dead 9 year-old girl, is not a licensed nurse in AZ, according to verification through Arizona Board of Nursing. There is no licensing listing for Roxanna Green or under maiden name Segalini.
Hileman says in her AsheighBurroughs blog,
“I couldn’t even take care of a 9 year old on a Saturday morning in front of a grocery store in an upscale neighborhood. I couldn’t keep either of us out of harm’s way. How in the world could I possibly be asked to help someone else? When C-T’s mom is confronted with strangers’ anguish over her loss, she feels the need to comfort them. She’s a nurse and it’s what she was trained to do but it’s also who she is in the depths of her soul. Being out in public is exhausting for her. So many people feel her loss.”
Even though no direct evidence thus far has directly shown any foul play on Hileman’s involvement in the shooting, the oddities of the direct Cornell/FBI/CIA connection should warrant Susan Hileman for further investigation regarding to this shooting.
Could it be possible that Susan Hileman was involved through Organized Cognition (OC) to either play an ‘acting role’ in this alleged drill/shooting/assassination? Is she another 1960’s, 1970’s walking mind-controlled mechanical robot zombie that the CIA/Mossad created to help carry out their disarmament and human ecology work? It is obvious after all this investigation and the fact that Jared Lee Loughner was forcibly medicated by the CIA, that he was a patsy that never made it to trial.
Even more interesting is a ‘Susan Hileman’s’ name was acknowledged in National Institute for Health (NIH) study that was published in 2009 titled, Quality of Early Care and Childhood Trauma: A Prospective Study of Developmental Pathways to Dissociation, by Lissa Dutra, Ph.D., Jean-Francois Bureau Ph.D., Bjarne Holmes, Ph.D., Amy Lyubchik, Ph.D., and Karlen Lyons-Ruth Ph.D. The study addresses the need prospective longitudinal studies of dissociation of young adults and the different pathways that can lead to it. According to the study, “dissociation refers to a wide range of alterations in the normally integrative functions of identity, memory, or consciousness, including trance states, depersonalization, derealization, amnesia, and dissociative identity disorder.” These ‘alterations’ can be brought on abuse, trauma, parental responsiveness, and other factors. Interestingly, Susan Hileman was acknowledged at the end of the study citing, “This research was supported by the National Institute of Health (NIH) grants MH#035122 and MH#062030. We would like to thank the participating families for their continued investment in the study over many years and our research coordinators and staff, Nancy Hall Brooks, Anne Bellows, Susan Hileman, Joanna Jenei, and Nadia Manzoor for their dedicated work on the project.”
While investigating in Tucson, I found it very strange that Hileman’s home was not located in the direct neighborhood of Christina-Taylor Green. All the addresses were plugged into the satellite co-ordinance and revealed that Hileman, at the closest address that Roxanna Green has listed is approximately 2 miles away. Several address combinations were tried and the closest came up at Porto Fina Circle, listing for Dallas Green on tax documents. When investigating the neighborhood in Tucson, it still took a few minutes to get to Hileman’s address. Maybe when they claimed they were neighbors, they really meant distant neighbors.
Christina O’Brien’s name also came up in this case at the scene on the day of the shooting. In addition, a dispatch tape revealed an officer spoke to three people the night before the shooting. The police broadcasts confirm officers ran the names of these same three individuals following the shooting. One person was Christina A. O’Brien. Her name surfaced again in an article following the shooting about the Westboro church picketing Christina Green’s funeral when they announced, “God sent the shooter to deal with idolatrous America.” She is quoted saying, “I hope she is not brain-damaged, we are all praying for her.”
Note: The original link to the statements and name of the protester was located here, but was scrubbed from the Internet & the archive. http:/