Chapter 12: The Earmarks of A Special Medical Operation

Jared Lee Loughner, according to all the reports was taken to the Pima County Sheriff’s Department, booked for the mass murders, attempted murders, as well as gun charges. The entire nation waited patiently to see a picture of the lone wolf gunman. Finally, Pima County released an alleged mug shot of the maniac named, Jared Lee Loughner. Once the mug shot was released by Pima County, it was apparent that a ‘giant’ cover-up was underway.
Jared Loughner’s mug shot was to be expected from what immediately was labeled a cover-up from the moment the shooting hit the news by several alternative and free speech media outlets. Jared Lee Loughner’s original mug shot that was released for the public’s view appeared to be a fabricated photo-shopped picture. These photo-shopped accusations began surfacing in numerous forums and social networking sites from individuals claiming to be professionals and claimed the mugshot appeared very similar to a photo of Radio Host Glenn Beck. This photo comparison surfaced after Ed Chiarini was invited on to the TrutherGirl’s radio show. Ed Chiarini claims to be an independent investigator from Dallas Texas that has a website called WellAware1. He has associations with Disney and the United States Air Force. I personally met Ed Chiarini in person in early 2011 when we attempted to team up to investigate in Tucson. After a short period, I severed ties with Chiarini as our investigation began to unfold in the opposite direction.

The Pima County Sheriff’s Department released the photo shopped picture of Loughner shortly after the shooting.
A detailed analysis of many individual investigators and journalists have commented in forums, websites, blogs, and social media sites who have identified photo-shopped markings in the picture. The question remains as to why the Pima County Sheriff’s Department would release a picture that is photo-shopped. Earlier reports said the Pima County Sheriff’s Dept. claimed the photo was a ‘forensics photo’ but why would they need the forensics photo when they supposedly had the real Jared Lee Loughner in custody?
A 911 call to the Pima County Sheriff’s department claims that Jared Lee Loughner was wearing a black hoodie, jeans, and a black sweater. This picture shows him in a white t-shirt. It is common practice in jails across the country to take a mug shot prior to them being issued their jail wardrobe when booked in county facilities.
When the alternative media was shouting at the rooftops that the mug shot was faked, photo-shopped, and tampered with – a second mug shot was released by the Marshall’s office. This mug shot clearly shows that it is not the same individual in the first mug shot photo release (above). How could this be? How could Loughner’s appearance change within a short amount of time? Notice, he now has his jail jumpsuit on. Still, more photo-shopped accusations on the second mug shot started to appear in the research field. Allegedly, evidence of photo-shopping and tampering was evident in the second released picture of Loughner around the eyes, hairline, etc. Several researchers want to believe the drooping of the eye is a sign of MK ULTRA mind control. It could also indicate a stroke, etc. This accusation could be true but when the photo is blown up, it is apparent that the photo was tampered with in the eye areas due to the stretching and smudging techniques.
According to independent researcher, Ed Chiarini fromWellaware1, this photo resembles the actor and owner of a company called Radian-Helix Media, by Brandan Lee Pittman. He is also a 22 year old from Tucson that frequently engages in acting and media production. (Note – Two different name spellings for Brandan Lee Pittman have been noticed from his own model and social sites. In a Google group, he spells it ‘Brandon’ Lee Pittman. In this report, it will be spelled ‘Brandan’ Lee Pittman – just as it is on his Radian-Helix Media Corporate documents).
Radian-Helix Media Group is located at 3780 E. Bowman Pl Tucson, AZ. Articles of Incorporation in the State of can be found with the State of Arizona Corporation Commission. L164951015, N16444728. Members of the corporation include: Brandan Lee Pittman, owner, Marjorie Kosky, statutory agent, Delivan Harders, member, and Christine Zinni, member. Dec 2010, is the date of article of incorporation papers. A possible connection was made when Steven Cates, alleged friend of Loughner and Brandan Lee Pittman with purple hair, appeared on mainstream videos talking about his personal relationship with Loughner.
Questionable testimony led other independent researchers to look more into Steven Cates. Research shows that Cates claims on social networking sites and model sites that he is an actor for Radian-Helix Media.
The mug shot released does not mean that Jared Lee Loughner was actually an actor. It only suggests that, if involved, Radian Helix Media could have provided the photo-shopped media photos, possible actors to the press, provided the videos for Loughner’s YouTube account, and lastly, could have stolen Loughner’s identity for the creation of Loughner’s MySpace page. This could also indicate that the photo-shopped Loughner pictures released by Pima County could very well been staged from the beginning. This is only speculation since there is no concrete proof that Pittman is involved at this point.
Was Brandan Lee Pittman really Jared Lee Loughner? It would seem unlikely that Pittman is the same person that did the shooting and whom appeared in the mug shot photo. It is, however, possible that Brandan Lee Pittman could have been hired by someone or some organization to fake a photo of a crazy gunman and he used his own acting character for the faked photo. In essence, Radian Helix could easily have be used as a media patsy if evidence ever got out that the Jared Lee Loughner photo was really a faked mug shot created for the press only to scare the people. Pittman, Loughner, Steven Cates, and Bryce Tierney, all have connections through Pima Community College as well as some through high school.
Jared Lee Loughner fits the profile of the new DHS videos emerging that is classifying white, middle class people who are against the government corruption as the most dangerous terrorists. Similar characteristics include the black hoodie, talking about the Constitution, exposing financial corruption, against Agenda 21, etc. We also see this with Eric Bellucci and many other shooters that have recently went on an alleged killing rampage. What is most suspect in this case is a ‘Law and Order’ LA episode was released just five months after the shooting titled, ‘Hayden Tract.’ The episode features an actor playing the role of Larry Shepherd, who is a diagnosed schizophrenic man who arrived at a rally where State Senator Celeste Kelman, who is played by Jennifer Riker, and began randomly shooting after targeting the Senator, killing six others, including a 10-year old girl.
Shepherd cites his anger over the kidnapping of his daughter and the possible involvement of a gaming company named Helix 8 and the Senator he shot and killed. The biggest question is why such an elaborate ‘Law and Order’ episode for the public (except Tucsonans, who were suppressed from the episode) when the story line actually fits the conspiracy! Maybe they were trying to debunk the true info coming out at the time over Radian Helix Media? Seems like another Hollywood joke gone sour again. It seems odd that there was an attempt to desperately dismantle the fact that Radian-Helix Media might have been involved and actually gave clues that only a few independent researchers could relate to the true evidence coming out including a possible hit on Judge John Roll. The shoes do not lie…
Brandan Lee Pittman, if involved also had a model page at The profile has been deleted since the discovery of this photo and the company. The picture comparison by Ed Chiarini of suggests they look very similar. Brandan Lee Pittman’s company, Radian-Helix could have been the company used as create the mug shot photo based upon Brandan Lee Pittman’s own character photo on It is likely that Brandan Lee Pittman did not play the actual shooting role of Jared Lee Loughner (if this was a false-flag) and was more than likely, if involved, used as the creator of the mug shots, videos, and possibly supplied actors to be fed to the mainstream.
Brandan Lee Pittman may not have known his work was going to be used in a real live event, or possibly was paid off to shut him up in the event that he would speak about the mug shot work. The artist of the original mug shot photo allegedly left a signature mark of three X’s (XXX) on the throat of the alleged shooter in the first mug shot photo release. This evidence alone is enough to say it is not a real mugshot photo. It is the second mug-shot photo that appears to be similar to Brandan Lee Pittman, owner of Radian-Helix Media. The first mugshot released was similar to radio host ‘Glenn Beck’ and when most of the alternative media was screaming that his mug shot was a fake, a second, more realistic photo was released. Brandan Lee Pittman has not commented directly to me but spoke to other researchers in Tucson when they arrived at his Radian Helix Studio unannounced and confronted Brandan Lee Pittman on what he really had to say about WellAware1 releasing the ‘look alike’ photo of himself and being compared to Jared Lee Loughner.
Researchers, that would like to remain anonymous at this time, spoke to Brandan Lee Pittman when they went to Radian-Helix Media and after knocking several times at the studio, they were confronted by a young man with a gun in their face over what they were doing on his property. The man announced to the researchers that he was Brandan Pittman and that he had already called the police. The researchers said they were there to ask him some questions about the accusations of his company allegedly being involved in the Tucson shooting after Ed Chiarini released a ‘look alike’ photo of him and the mug shot photo being released to the public. He responded by saying the accusations were false and told the story of how he lost someone he was very close that day but would not mention whom this person was. He also claimed he was upset because his girlfriend just took their child from him. Hummmm, sounds like the ‘Law & Order’ LA episode…
The researchers were scared as they were being held at gunpoint with what they believe was a real gun. When the sheriff/deputy arrived, the researchers claim that the Sheriff and/or Deputy told them, “he himself knows the shooting happened and that he knows Christina-Taylor Green is dead because he was the one that put her in the body bag.” If true, this accusation suggests that Christina Taylor Green, the 9/11 girl allegedly killed that day, was dead at the scene and not at the hospital. Why would he say he put her in the body bag if she was not dead until after she arrived at the hospital?
The researchers said they were intimidated and the Sheriff and/or Deputy had on a Pima County Sheriff jacket but did not have any identifications of who he was. They claimed he looked like the deputy sheriff shown in the crime scene photos of dead people at the scene but was not sure. They were rushed off the scene and told never to return. They believe the phone call was made from a cell phone, as they could not find a legal record of a call going out to police from Pittman’s residence the day the researchers went to his studio. This testimony cannot be verified but stood the pressure of my interrogation tactics when they were questioned over every detail.
I personally drove by Brandan Lee Pittman’s Radian-Helix Media while out in Tucson. It appears to be a rickety shack looking building with a hand drawn logo for Radian Helix on the side of the building. Brandan Lee Pittman’s Radian Helix Media company pictures are listed below. These pictures were obtained while investigating in Tucson in March 2011.
If in fact, this acting company was hired to provide actors to the mainstream media following the shooting, it could also suggest that deeper players were involved including a man by the name of David Weiss. Weiss’s appearance looks stunningly close to Dr. Lemole who is known to be one of Gabrielle Giffords head trauma surgeons. Wellaware1 claims that David Weiss is also connected to Radian Helix Media, initially found through Steven Cates social networking pages.
David Weiss, Dr. Lemole’s alleged look-alike twin, has a background of management with KRAFT, NESTLE WATERS, PEPSI, and other companies according to an online bio. Wellaware1 claims Dave Weiss is a partner in a film, video, and CGI media production company located in Arizona called Radian Helix media. The corporate papers do not have him listed on the Radian-Helix Media corporate papers filed with the AZ Corporation Commission but Radian-Helix does say on their “ModelMayHem profile site that they were founded in August 2011. This is obviously a lie considering they were advertising prior to the Giffords event. Maybe they meant that is when they incorporated. They also state that they are affiliated with CGI. It should not be discounted that Dr. Lemole could be actor, David Weiss or vise-versa… Further investigation is warranted until a definite concrete link can place them as possibly the same individual or not.
Dr. Michael Lemole’s public medical license search through the Arizona Medical Board revealed a license is listed, and the bio matches the Neurosurgery bio. An interesting note that should not be discounted that was brought to the attention by Ed Chiarini is the date of the bio creation.
It does seem ironic that David Lemole’s biography was created by the University of Arizona on 1/11/11 (three days after the shooting) by username jgellermn, which when Googled, links to a woman named Jo Gellerman, who works in the Department of Surgery at the University of Arizona, College of Medicine.
Four days after the shooting, three clinical support staff members and a contracted nurse were fired from Tucson’s University Medical Center for allegedly accessing confidential medical records in connection with the high profile shooting and violated patient privacy policies, according to the Arizona Daily Star. Maybe these individuals found out something they were not supposed to or were accessing information for the media. It is unclear and no names have been released on the staff members. The hospital would not say whether any of the shooting victim’s medical data had been breached.
According to a Philly article published two days after the shooting titled, Surgeon who operated on wounded House member has Pa. Ties,
“His father, Gerald M. Lemole, a retired heart surgeon who led cardiac surgery programs at Temple University, Christiana Care in Delaware, and Deborah Heart and Lung Center in New Jersey, has been watching developments in Tucson proudly.”
“I think he’s handling himself very very well,” said the elder Lemole, who goes by “G Daddy” now that there is a third Gerald Michael Lemole among his 15 grandchildren.”
An interesting and suspect comment was found on Judge John Roll’s online burial page from a ‘D Weiss’ saying, “Your Honor, may God Bless You and the other victims of this senseless murder. Rest In Peace Judge!” Hummm, Dr. Lemole and D. Weiss sure do look alike…
One could probably explain away the discrepancies in the creation date of Lemole’s bio created by UMC by saying the website pages were created to update the bio or include an exclusive page because Lemole was Giffords trauma surgeon but one should also find it suspect these pages were not being promoted prior to the event. Either way, regardless of who Dr. Lemole really is, the operation and the agenda remain the same. Dr. Lemole and/or David Weiss are suspect. (Photosnips taken from UMC and AZ Medical Licensing websites).
Lemole is also the brother-in-law to Dr. Mehmet OZ, the mainstream television doctor that has a show called, Dr. OZ Show, which is affiliated with Oprah Winfrey, Harpo Productions, and ABC News. ABC News was the outlet that produced the reenactment scenes of the shooting and released the first accounts of Jared Lee Loughner following the shooting. Lisa Lemole is Michael Lemole’s sister and she is married to Dr. Oz. He also has connections to Harvard University and University of Pennsylvania. Many people in this case are connected to these universities. Harvard has a great interest in suspended animation and will be discussed in a later section (photo, Dr. Mehmet Oz, HealthCorps Bio).