Chapter 1: Who was Jared Lee Loughner?

Discrepancies of Media Released Photos of Jared Lee Loughner
Was Jared Lee Loughner a schizophrenic psychopathic deranged government conspirator that wanted to take his rage out on former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and everyone else in his path on January 8th, 2011 at the Safeway store parking lot in Tucson, AZ?
Was Jared Lee Loughner a raging maniac that the media promoted as a drugged madman who was strung out on Marijuana and Salvia, which allegedly caused him to pick up a Glock 19 and go to the Safeway store, on the corner of Ina and Oracle, in Tucson, Arizona and murder six people and injure 13 additional more?
Should Loughner have been forcibly medicated in a federal prison, which set a precedent to allow prisoners to be forcibly medicated against their will? Why was there so much evidence that points to a governmental planned false flag event planned to change mental health and gun laws?
These are just some of the questions that should be answered in order for the nation to understand what really happened on 01/08/11 and why there has been so many conflicting testimonies surrounding the 2011 Tucson Safeway shooting.
As many researchers began to investigate the conflicting stories and testimonies that were aired on mainstream media following the shooting, there were red flags that began to emerge giving suspicion to a false-flag shooting.
Jared Loughner was age 22 at the time of his arrest on January 8th, 2011. His DOB is Sept 10, 1988, according to mainstream media reports, police reports, and Internet verification sites. Loughner’s partial social security number that came up during a comprehensive search comes back issued in AZ between 1988-1992.
It is reported that Loughner’s parents are Randy Loughner and Amy Joanne (Totman) Loughner. According to tax records, they own property at 7741 Soledad Avenue, Tucson, AZ, 85741. The phone number listed returns under the mother’s name, Amy Loughner. This is the same address the mainstream media reported, as well as the address listed on some police reports.
In another police citation in Marana, AZ, #C00081042, lists Loughner’s address at 3201 West Ina St, Tucson, AZ. At the time, this address comes back as rental property owned by Tierra Rica 1% and Venu Greens, 99%. Research shows he may have also resided in San Diego, CA. In a later section, these corporations will be discussed in further detail.

Loughner was labeled Jewish by Mother Jones and and other mainstream media outlets following the shooting. Even author, Texe Marrs stated Loughner to be from Jewish dissent in his book, Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star. This assumption was made because the corporate media aired a supposed ‘shrine’ that Jared Lee Loughner had in his back yard and many speculated he was Jewish. Later, it is discovered, he was Catholic.
The media then put together a profile and used the following keywords to publicly profile Jared Lee Loughner: Jewish, Satan worshiper, evil, creepy, sinister, twisted, frightened, troubled, leftist, loner, indeterminate, college drop out, pothead, lone wolf, and cold killer. The AP released photo of the alleged shrine was claimed to have been found in the back yard of Loughner’s home. Immediately, the media depicted he was a savaged Satan worshiper and had their photo to prove it. Examination of the photo that appeared in the AP Press turned out to be a skull in a planter next to some planting soil, some candles, as well as a plate that appears to have burn a popular aromatherapy incense. The pictures of the back yard also surfaced where it appears to be an enclosed tent type area.

Regardless of what the mainstream media told the nation on the day of the shooting, genealogy records say otherwise and suggests that Loughner was not at all of Jewish dissent but of Catholic dissent. Multiple media reports also claimed that Amy Loughner attended the same Jewish synagogue as Gabrielle Giffords.
Nate Bloom from Jewish World Review, completed an independent genealogy check on Jared Loughner. His research confirms Loughner was more than likely of the Catholic religion. Immediately, the corporate owned media provided a racist platform for the rhetorical political blame game following the shooting by injecting unconfirmed information to the public.
The initial rumor in the media started when Bryce Tierney, one of Loughner’s friends, claimed that “Loughner listed Mein Kampf as a favorite book in part to provoke his Jewish mother.”
In an exclusive interview, OpEdNews had with Gabrielle Giffords Rabbi, Stephanie Aaron, from Congregation Chaverim, she stated, “We have never had any contact with the Loughner family. They are not members of the congregation and never have been members of the congregation. And I’ve been with the congregation for 40 years, since it’s inception, since I was very young.” Responding further to the question of whether Loughner or his family is Jewish, Rabbi Aaron stated, “We had a meeting of the Tucson Board of Rabbis. We all looked at our rosters from many years back. No one has ever heard of the family – him, his parents, any of them. I can say with absolute certainty that we do not know him in pretty much the entire affiliated community.” This should be sufficient information to say the ‘Jewish’ claim has been debunked in this case.
Congregation Chaverim is a synagogue in Tucson and is part of the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) that represents approximately 155 Jewish Federations and over 300 Network Communities. The JFNA has a Washington office that lobbies for a ‘voice’ of the Jewish federations in health and human service policy decisions. Their global goals are to connect people to Israel and World Jewry. In July 2010, according to the JFNA website, “The Jewish Federations of North America hailed the release of $19 million to nonprofits through the Department of Homeland Security’s Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NPSG). The funding announced yesterday is the fifth installment of the program and is up $4 million since Fiscal 2009. Since 2005, $99 million has been distributed across the country.”
Jared allegedly had user names on the Internet and gaming sites. The most common that were brought up following the shooting focused on his YouTube and MySpace user pages.
A YouTube user name ‘classitup10’ was found by the mainstream media following the massacre. Loughner’s MySpace page user name was Fallen Asleep. His alleged Above Top Secret user-name was ‘erad3’. A YouTube user name ‘starhitshnaz’ was found with a video post of one video alleging Jared Loughner was the account holder but no confirmation that this account was really his or could be verified.
Strangely enough, an email was sent to “Mr. Barbour” and published on the online Freedom Fighter blog, allegedly from Jared’s mother, Amy Loughner stating:
Dear Mr. Barbour:
I am more or less in the custody of law enforcement at present. I’m using a borrowed laptop in a bathroom, the only access I have to the outside world at the moment. First of all, I would like to apologise to the people of Arizona, the United States and the world for the damage my son has done. My heart and prayers go [out to] Jared’s many victims and their families. This is the worst nightmare that any mother can suffer, a son turned into a mass murderer.
“What drove Jared over the edge into murder? It could have been any number of things. I do know that [he] posted on Daily Kos under the name of “Blue Bell” or “Blueboy” ….blue something. I was curious about his postings on the Internet, and as he was using the family computer at this time, I looked at the “History” and discovered his interest in the Daily Kos website where much hate and profanity are displayed.”
I personally find it odd that while in custody of law enforcement, Amy Loughner could just borrow a laptop and go hide in the bathroom to write this letter. It is not standard procedure of any law enforcement agency, while holding someone in custody for questioning, to be allowed a laptop, internet access, and the ability to hide in the bathroom to write a letter to the world.
A few days following the post, it was questioned whether or not the emails were a hoax.
Loughner attended Mountain View High School and allegedly dropped out in 2006 according to multiple AP Press reports. Mountain View is part of the Marana Unified School District.
Loughner also attended Pima Community College (PCC). According to reports, he was suspended in 2010 after officials say they found a YouTube video of concern the school said in a release. Pima County Superior Court Judge Stephen Villarreal ordered the release of the email communications pertaining to Loughner to the public. After a review of the majority of the emails released by Pima Community College, numerous communications were taking place between Loughner and his teachers. These emails mostly covered Loughner’s unhappiness with his grades. Loughner, according to the released emails, claims to some of his teachers and some administrative staff that he is unhappy because his ‘freedom of speech is suppressed and he should not get anything less than an ‘A’ for a grade.
The released PCC emails expanded and began to tell a story about a crazy disruptive student that caused problems, lashed out in class, and rambled gibberish nonsense. Email communications also suggested Loughner might have been a problem beginning in May 2010 when an employee in the Disabled Student Resources office wrote to a half a dozen people asking if Loughner was a disabled student.
According to the Pima Community College emails, in June, 2010, Division Academic Dean, Patricia Houston, wrote four administrators informing them that she spoke to Pima police officers about Loughner and her concerns after she had attended an ‘active shooter scenario’ training drill. One officer, Houston wrote, responded, and said, “He would begin the process to take the student out of the class and expel him.” She responded, “they may not be ready to do that and would need more investigating.” Legal liaison and spokesperson, Lynne Wakefield notified administrator Lorraine Morales and voiced, “I get worried about these folks.” Patricia Houston was the initial person who labeled Loughner as ‘dark’ and ‘creepy’ when she appeared on mainstream media interviews following the shooting.
Interestingly, Janet Napolitano, DHS, aka ‘Big Sis’, announced the ‘preparedness task-force members’ in April 2010. The task force would be responsible for making recommendations for all levels of government regarding: disaster and emergency guidance and policy; federal grants; and federal requirements.” The emphasis is on identifying preparedness policies, guidelines, and grant programs that should be updated and recommending paths forward to improve the nation’s collective capabilities for preparing for disasters. These exercises include scenarios from bombs exploding to reenactments of school shootings. It appears that Patricia Houston received this form of DHS preparedness training to help identify potential terrorists.
In September 2010, Pima Community College Police department contacted the Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms (ATF) to check records to see if Jared Lee Loughner had any guns because they were afraid of his behavior. The check came back with no guns attached to Loughner’s name. It was just a couple months later that Loughner allegedly purchased a Glock 19, 9mm handgun, Serial Number PWL 699, on or about November 20, 2010 from Sportsman Warehouse in Marana, AZ. Some people have questioned whether Loughner’s gun purchases were illegal based on his alleged past drug use and paraphernalia charge.
The NY Times reported that in September 2010, Loughner filled out paperwork to have his charge expunged from his records. Loughner completed a diversion program so the charged were never actually on his records. Presiding Judge Jose Castillo told the New York Times that it “crossed [his] mind” that Loughner was worried that the charge would prevent him from buying a weapon.” This statement from the Judge Castillo seems out of place considering he was focused on Loughner’s future potential of purchasing a ‘gun’ rather than suggesting maybe Loughner was more worried about his record because he wanted to get into the military and pursue a career.
Allegedly, he was banned from campus in October 2010 following the questionable YouTube video he published about PCC. Vice Chancellor, David Bea wrote to police chief Stella Bay, “this is discerning. The student sounds very disturbed about the college and other students.” The police officers at PCC spent all day trying to figure out who made the YouTube video, later in evening, they served Loughner a suspension letter at his home. It was on this day that Student Services program manager, Diane Deskin wrote a summary of police contacts and behavioral issues regarding Loughner. It referenced the ‘employee’s assistance program, for mental health’ and referred to the Behavioral Assessment Committee for further action.
After examining the emails and the YouTube videos, it was suspect the emails and the videos had keywords that coincided with the political debates that took place in the mainstream media rings following the shooting regarding mental illness and gun control.

Pima Community College (PCC) instructor Ben McGahee was Loughner’s Math teacher. McGahee burst into public view the day after Jared Lee Loughner went on the alleged shooting rampage. He gave a number of interviews to the mainstream media about his experiences with Loughner, describing the student’s behavior as bizarre, frightening, and disruptive.In various interviews, McGahee explained to a national audience the difficulty he had in convincing college counselors and administrators to do something about Loughner. According to CNN:
“The suspect in the weekend massacre in Arizona was kicked out of an algebra class at a community college in June after repeated interruptions and clearly “needed psychological help,” his instructor said Sunday.
Jared Lee Loughner was “physically removed” from the Pima Community College course less than a month after it began, its instructor, Ben McGahee told CNN. McGahee said Loughner sometimes shook, blurted things out in class, and appeared to be under the influence of drugs at times.
“I was scared of what he could do,” McGahee said. “I wasn’t scared of him physically, but I was scared of him bringing a weapon to class.”
McGahee’s comments apparently violated a ‘media black-out’ that was imposed by Chancellor Ray Flores following the shooting. Since the shooting, McGahee claimed in AP reports that PCC was punishing him and not renewing his contract. In retaliation, PCC claimed to AP Press, “the story made their eyes roll 20 times.”
KGUN9, Tucson also reported one of Loughner’s teachers, Brian Hewlett, was arrested at the crime scene just a week after the shooting took place. According to a Pima County Sheriff’s Department incident report, “at about 4:30 PM on Friday February 25, Hewlett sat down in front of the Safeway on Oracle Road and began chanting.”
When Hewlett refused to leave, the store manager called deputies. The report states that when the first deputy arrived he found Hewlett in a tank top, jeans, and socks sitting in front of the store in a “yoga position” and wearing white earphones. He was chanting over and over again, “We are the ones you have been waiting for,” and occasionally throwing in, ‘We are the chosen ones.’”
Hewlett fired back to the media with an article on his web site,, stating, “Yoga was not a mental illness” and that he was offering a personal memorial for the victims of the shooting. This site and all its contents have since been removed.
Jared Lee Loughner attended Mountain View High School. It is part of the Marana Unified School District. Many researchers have questioned whether Loughner had an indirect connection through his school to the 1960’s/70’s Weatherman terrorist and self-proclaimed “father” of Smaller Learning Communities, Bill Ayers. A controversial article by WorldNetDaily (WND) claims that the school is allegedly part of a network in which teachers are trained and provided resources by a liberal group, founded by the Weatherman Underground terrorist Bill Ayers, and funded by President Obama. William Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn has been known to be long-time friends with the Obamas.

According to the article from WND, a former top communist activist, Mike Klonsky, who is an associate of Ayers, has led the group, Small Schools Workshop. Obama provided the group with funds in the 1990s when he worked at an education reform group alongside Ayers.
Bernardine Dohrn is the wife of the ‘Underground Terrorist’, Bill Ayers. Bill Ayers is a close friend and mentor of Barack Obama. She was a once fugitive with the FBI for her terroristic activities. Dohrn was a member of the radical Weather Underground group that planted bombs at the Capital, Pentagon, and other government buildings during protests against U.S. policy in the 70’s. She served probation and some jail time for refusing to cooperate with investigators.
According to an article published by the NY Times on September 11, 2001, titled, No Regrets for a Love of Explosives; In a Memoir of Sorts, a War Protester Talks of Life With the Weathermen, ‘‘I don’t regret setting bombs,” Bill Ayers said. ”I feel we didn’t do enough.” Ayers wrote in his memoir that he participated in bombings of NY City Police Headquarters in 1970, the Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972. Ayers escaped prosecution and walked away a free man while rising as a distinguished professor of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Bernardine Dohrn is now a professor at Northwestern University and is on the Board of Directors of an organization called, W. Haywood Burns Institute that believes high criminal behavior among the juvenile youth is caused by discrimination. The W. Haywood Burns Institute also aims to get the United Nations (U.N.) to take an active role in American juvenile justice, while charging fees to work with local governments. The non-profit group, based in San Francisco, has described itself as an organization that leads in the field of juvenile justice and ethnic and racial disparities reduction. Dohrn is also on the board of directors of the Northwestern University Child & Family Justice Center (2012, Northwestern Law Education).
Recently, National Review published an article titled, The Dohrn Connection -Eric Holder’s DOJ funds a Dohrn-connected organization stated,
“In 2010 and 2011, the Justice Department saw fit to give $400,000 in grants to an organization that lists Dohrn as a member of its board of directors: a $150,000 grant in September of 2010 and a $250,000 grant a year later.”
Eric Holder at the time of the shooting was currently in trouble with the ‘illegal’ gun running scandal called, Fast & Furious, where the ATF illegally dealt guns to Mexico for the purpose of creating and promoting instability. They continue to justify their criminal behavior to this day. Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry was killed with a gun connected to the gun running scandal. Holder continues to evade any responsibility associated with the gun running scandal that led to Terry’s death.

Following the publication of the article by World Net Daily, law professor and political scientist, Stephen Diamond, challenged the Ayers-Loughner-Mountain View High School connection when he posted an article titled, Bill Ayers is responsible for the Tucson Tragedy?? Really?? Diamond writes, “Poor Bill Ayers, he is to blame for everything these days. As I have been a strong critic of Bill Ayers in the past, I thought it incumbent to try to clear the air in this particular case. Turns out, Klein is wrong again about Ayers. He has the wrong guy. – if you are intent on blaming anyone for the curriculum at Jared Loughner’s former high school, Mountain View High in the Marana Unified School District, you might as well blame the guy responsible for funding their school restructuring effort, George W. Bush.”
Diamond also refutes WND’s claims by writing, “Of course, they have – purposely? – confused the SSW founded by Ayers with the SLC program at the DOE. In response to my comments to them, Elliott now claims that they only meant the following: “….the smaller learning communities/small schools guidance IN GENERAL began with CAC funding under Ayers and Obama.”[caps in original]”.
Regardless of whether Mountain View High School received funding from the organization connected to Bill Ayers before or after the shooting, the connection most ignored is the relationship that Bill Ayer’s wife, Bernadine Dohrn has to the Pima County juvenile system. In a later section, more information will be provided on the connections to Jared Lee Loughner, Barack and Michelle Obama, and the Weatherman Underground terrorists and how their programs have infiltrated schools and juvenile courts across the nation, including Pima County, Arizona.
Loughner also listed several books he read and/or liked on his YouTube channel. They include: Animal Farm, Alice Adventures Into Wonderland, Brave New World, The Odyssey, One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, Fahrenheit 451, To Kill A Mockingbird, and other titles including, The Hitler’s Mein Kampf and Communist Manifesto. Several mainstream and AP Press outlets compared Loughner to a “governmental conspirator” but some media outlets, including many alternative media sites commented that this choice of books sounds more like a high school curriculum as many high schools either assign these books for reading or give the student a choice to read.
Loughner had a minor police record with petty offenses at the time of the alleged shooting. No offense was violent in nature and nothing on his police report jumped out as signs of someone that was schizophrenic and warranted prior concern that would have suggested he would have gone on a violent shooting rampage.
- September 2004 – Loughner was poked by a needle or a pen at school by a classmate. This resulted in him passing out at school. He filed a police report. The individual that poked him said it was a pen, however, his friend said he saw a needle.
- May 2006 – Minor in Possession of Alcohol. Jared Lee Loughner was arrested at school for getting drunk on Vodka. He claimed he was upset at his father for yelling at him. He stole a bottle of Vodka from his father’s liquor cabinet. He was taken to the emergency room to be checked out and then was referred to the Pima County Juvenile office. Following the shooting, a recent article written by AZDailyStar, titled, Loughner, at 17, was treated for behavioral-health issues, claimed after his arrest at Mountain View High School, Loughner was treated at the Sonora Behavioral Center Hospital. He began counseling with Dr. Thomas Brittain. Dr. Thomas Brittain was in private practice in 2007, retired, was then was contracted out by the Department of Defense, and passed away in January 2012.
- October 2007– Loughner was cited in Pima County for possession of drug paraphernalia in September 2007, which was dismissed after he completed a diversion program.
- October 2008 – Loughner was charged after defacing a street sign in Marana, near Tucson. That charge was also dismissed following the completion of a diversion program in March 2009.
- September 2008 – Jared Loughner reported to Foothills Police that his identity has been stolen when a fake MySpace page was discovered. He claimed that he looked up on ‘PeekYou’ and found a page that had his ‘old picture’ when he had longer hair. He reported to the police that he thought his friend ‘Alex’ had done it. There was a link on the page named ‘Jared’ but when clicked on – it clearly says it was a 29-year-old female. This page has now been removed.
- Jan 2011 – The day of the shooting, ABC News claimed Loughner was pulled over after running a red light and then released after a search warrant came back clear. This information was also is listed in the Pima County Sheriff’s press release of the shooting timeline (2011, ABC News).
Randy and Amy Loughner also had some encounters with the law. Most were minor offenses in nature including speeding tickets, theft of their property, or reports of vandalism.
MILITARY RECORDS – No official military records could be found for Jared Loughner. Conservative News Media (CNM) did initially report Loughner was an Afghanistan war vet but then retracted the statement. Loughner’s YouTube videos also claimed that he was a “military recruit at MEPS” in Phoenix. MEPS stands for United States Military Entrance Processing Station. He is quoted saying, “Every United States Military recruit at MEPS in Phoenix is receiving one mini bible before the tests,” he writes in one video. “Jared Loughner is a United States Military recruit at MEPS in Phoenix; therefore, Jared Loughner is receiving one mini bible before the tests.” According to an article by dated Jan. 10, “recruiters claim that there is no record of Loughner having been enlisted.” No information could be found for Loughner being in a so-called enlistment program. published an article, titled, How Marijuana Use Aborted Jared Loughner’s Military Career, stating,
“The trip to MEPS appears to have been at least the third trip Loughner made to military facilities over a three-month period in late 2008. He would have visited a recruiter in the Tucson area — maybe more than once — before indicating his desire to enlist, and then taken the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, a 90-minute test that measures language and math skills. It ensures that the test taker is smart enough to sign up, and it pinpoints his or her strengths, which can help in choosing military jobs. Once Loughner passed that test, Army officials say, he was sent on to the MEPS in Phoenix. But instead of marking the beginning of Private Loughner’s military career, the visit to the processing station quickly aborted it, ending abruptly at Question 17i on DD Form 2807-1. That question — part of the medical history required by the military before someone is allowed to enlist — asked if Loughner had ever “used illegal drugs or abused prescription drugs.” An Army official says Loughner admitted he was a regular marijuana user. With that, the official says, the young man’s military career went up in smoke.”
“Indeed, Army officials say Loughner passed a urinalysis designed to detect drug use. “He didn’t fail a drug test — he admitted to excessive drug use,” an Army official says. The confession was so clear that the military had no choice.”
VOTING RECORDS – Records show that Loughner was registered as an independent voter, and voted in 2006 and 2008, however, not in 2010. Loughner may have not voted in 2010 because of his criminal record. If he was completing a diversion program, a felony charge could have been on his record until completion of the program for one of his arrests.
EMPLOYMENT – It has been reported in numerous articles and the NY Times that Loughner volunteered at the Pima Animal Care Center, which is an extension of the Pima County Health Department. He allegedly was dismissed after he refused to follow orders not to walk the dogs next to the kennels that were infected with the Parvovirus. Loughner allegedly put on his application that he worked for an ‘Eddie Bauer’ store in 2008-09 before he attended Pima Community College.
The media discovered Jared Loughner’s alleged YouTube videos following the shooting. I say ‘alleged’ because the media became obsessed with the posted videos immediately following the shooting and this is the point where the political rhetoric exploded and gun control debates began. The YouTube channel user name was Classitup10, according to the media outlets. There were only a few videos and no real evidence they actually were published by Jared Lee Loughner.
Jared focuses on specific topics. Some examples are currency, unconstitutional crimes in schools, freedom of speech, symbols, mind-control, lucid dreaming, grammar structure, Civil Rights, land ownership, military involvement, sleepwalking, terrorism, and religion. These are the following videos found that apparently were produced and uploaded by Jared Loughner. After reviewing the videos in detail, it appears that the videos were created for exclusive New World Order fear mongering agenda in mind. Key words were spotted that point the finger at a possible motive in the case. The majority of the videos appear to be ‘logical fallacies’ that were used as the base of the videos.
Loughner’s YouTube Video: How to: your own currency – After watching the YouTube video, it should be noted that an unconfirmed report, published by EUTimes circulated the internet following the massacre claiming that Judge John Roll ruled against the Obama administration days before the assassination.
“A Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin stated that the top US Federal Judge for the State of Arizona was assassinated barely 72-hours after he made a critical ruling against the Obama administrations plan to begin the confiscation of their citizen’s private retirement and banking accounts in order to stave off their nations imminent economic collapse, and after having the US Marshall protecting him removed” (2011, Examiner).
According to this SVR report, “Federal Judge John McCarthy Roll was the Chief Judge for the United States District Court for the District of Arizona who this past Friday issued what is called a ‘preliminary ruling’ in a case titled, ‘United States of America v. $333,520.00 in United States Currency et al’ [Case Number: 4:2010cv00703 Filed: November 30, 2010] wherein he stated he was preparing to rule against Obama’s power to seize American citizen’s money without clear and convincing evidence of a crime being committed.” This particular report that came out of the Kremlin will be put under more scrutiny in a later section.
Another key point worth noting is Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords appeared on Fox News on January 7th, 2011 (the night before the shooting) to talk about her proposal for 5% pay cut for all members of congress. Many people commented in numerous blogs and forums across the Internet about how she just appeared for interviews on the FOX News network the night before the shooting. Some people have questioned whether the woman interviewed on FOX News was really Gabrielle Giffords. In a later section of the report, more on the Congresswoman will be presented.
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords also voted to audit the Federal Reserve. She cited fiscal responsibility and holding irresponsible companies accountable. According to her official congressional website, she states, “I voted to audit the Federal Reserve to find out exactly how bailout funds were distributed. I believe that we need to hold these companies accountable. And I supported laws requiring big banks and Wall Street to pay back 100% of any taxpayer funds they received, including returning CEO bonuses.”
The last key point of the Loughner’s alleged YouTube video gives an illusion that “we the people” want a new currency. The video, after re-evaluated years later could have been referring to Cryptocurrencies or a digital currency. This video sounds more like what the Federal Reserve wants to achieve by issuing a new world currency rather than an honest monetary system that the majority of American citizens desire. Smells like agenda for new world currency in this video, not of a crazy psychopath. If Jared was so obsessed with the government screwing everyone, then why would he be promoting a new currency when that is what the Federal Reserve (FEDS) want?
YouTube Video: This Student At Pima Community College: An Unconstitutional Crime! – The focus of this video is the Constitution and the police state. Loughner allegedly created this video and focused on fraud and purchase of payments, as well as the police, English grammar, letters, numbers, and ends the video with “don’t trust the government.”
According to Loughner’s YouTube videos, he appears to be a very intelligent person that seems to be very affluent in the American Constitution. After picking apart each segment of the video, it appears that he was practicing Logical Fallacies and using the constitution for examples. Key words were spotted throughout the video, which included: police, speech, education, internet, and fraud.
Loughner also stresses in the video, “you control the grammar.” An important note here is a reference to Sandra Breitenbach from the University of Oslo and the University of Amsterdam, wrote a book called, Missionary Linguistics: Indoctrination through grammar, constructed psychology, and language policy. An excerpt out of the book states, “Purported language thinkers in Ancient India and Greece set up a system of thinking and categorizing the world according to their own purpose. In their world-view, meaning of language is replaceable by arbitrary sound. Next, selected Roman scholars follow their system of neglecting meaning and propagating systems of root memorization of declension and conjugation patterns that they expand systematically to the use for all languages. All this, interestingly, happened in countries of centralized power, such as the Roman Empire, as well as in so-called Renaissance Europe, and even in preparation of the Hitler dictatorship.” This information seems relevant considering this type of propaganda and indoctrination techniques can be found in today’s society through the school systems, media, television advertisements, and military MK-Ultra projects and other outlets.
One last note of interest following the shooting was immediately Rep. Robert Brady, D-Pennsylvania, said he would introduce legislation making it a federal crime for a person to use language or symbols that could be perceived as threatening or inciting violence against a Member of Congress or federal official. This statement from Representative Brady clearly shows he is not affluent in the Constitution as the First Amendment states and published on the Cornell Law site, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” A threat is a threat and should be handled by the proper authorities but Congress shall make no laws prohibiting such.
YouTube video: How To: Mind Controller
This video has the word ‘mind control’ on every slide. It focuses on the words: mind-controller, belief, and religion. The interpretation of this video is that the “mind controller controllers control the belief and the religion and therefore you are the mind controller and you control the belief and the religion.” This video focuses on the control of the mind and the multiple mainstream media outlets reported that Loughner was “obsessed” with mind control. Many independent researchers claim that Jared could have been reciting actual memories of being under mind control and thought that the mainstream media was using this video as a way to indoctrinate their viewing audience to label anyone that talks about mind control as a mental illness or someone unstable. This video, also coincides with the New World Order desecration of national identity and national pride. In a ‘One World Government” we are all the same, and no longer individuals.
YouTube Video: Introduction: Jared Lee Loughner This video also focuses on key words such as: sleep, conscious dreaming, sleepwalking, terrorism, political weapon, and Ad Hominem.
This video is the most powerful of all videos that suggest that Jared Loughner was under mind control. The media promoted the video that Loughner was ‘obsessed’ with mind control. He uses key words that describe a mind-controlled sleepwalking terrorist just from the key words used. At the end of the video, he states the following fallacy,
“I define terrorist. Thus, a terrorist is a person who employs terror or terrorism, especially as a political weapon. If you call me a terrorist, then the argument to call me a terrorist is Ad Hominem. You call me a terrorist, thus, the argument to call me a terrorist is Ad Hominem.”
According to a dictionary reference, Ad Hominem is defined: 1) appealing to one’s prejudices, emotions, or special interests rather than to one’s intellect or reason. 2) attacking an opponent’s character rather than answering his argument.
This video focuses on currency and conscience dreaming. The media, following the shooting over the conscience dreaming theory, blamed David Icke, a British author that exposes the Reptilian Bloodlines that he claims rule the world. Key words are also used throughout the video including: currency, treasurer, grammar, and conscience dreaming.

Shortly after the incident, a video surfaced where ABC News interviewed Ashley Figueroa, an ex-girlfriend of Loughner. She blamed his behaviors on his alleged use of smoking Marijuana. Following the shooting, the ‘blame game’ in the political arena began with the “left-wing” pot smokers. The girlfriend appeared to have injected a ‘designed’ correlation between Marijuana as the reason for the shooting spree. Was this purposeful propaganda driven correlation used as a way to trick society into believing the old “Reefer Madness” made him go on a killing spree? This speculation is consistent with the agenda rising from the mental health industry and the Department of Homeland Security profiling of individuals with alleged mental histories and their recently released terrorist videos profiling of middle class white American men. This agenda is conveniently introduced to coincide with gun-control agenda as the pharmaceutical companies are heavily investing in medical Marijuana, which requires a prescription. In order to get a prescription, the applicant must claim a mental illness and surrender their second amendment rights.
The main agenda being pushed in mental health is the diagnosis of PTSD and Schizophrenia. We have recently seen a rise of ‘active shooters’ in the past few years and conveniently the suspects are immediately labeled in the media as having a mental illness or lack of mental illness. The key words in the videos continuously include: mental health agenda, gun control, freedom of speech, the Constitution, conscience dreaming, and currency.
An interesting observation following the shooting was that Arizona voters approved the medical marijuana law just shortly after November elections 2010. This angered many people in Arizona and what better way to demonize marijuana smokers by injecting the ‘reefer madness campaign’ to inflict fear into non-marijuana smokers. This technique has been practiced for many years as many juvenile and psychology films have portraying to the general public that their loved ones could turn from normal to deranged killers overnight by smoking the herb. (See 1950 Documentary, The Terrible Truth).
The ex-girlfriend, Ashley, consistently went on national entertainment news and exploited the alleged drug usage of Jared and specifically names Marijuana and Mushrooms as the culprit. This type of media promotion has been seen and now identified as the reappearing marijuana propaganda that has been seen for over 50 years. In the early 50’s, SID Davis Production, in association with Judge William B. McKesson began the reeducation effort in America to keep Marijuana illegal by using the reefer madness propaganda.
YouTube Video – Your Last memory in a Terrorist Country – “Let the Bodies Hit the Floor” – This video shows an alleged crazy lunatic burning the American flag while the song, ‘Bodies’ aka “Let the bodies hit the floor” by Drowning Pool, was used as the background music. After reviewing this video, if indeed it was Jared in the video, he fits the DHS profile of a right-wing ‘homegrown’ terrorist to a tee. Many people have commented that the video appears to be staged and does not even appear to be real life everyday footage or was filmed like a movie. He is also wearing the standard dark hoodie that DHS has also classified as “warning’ signs for a potential terrorist. In addition, in the video, the man appears to be wearing what looks like a trash bag as pants and a mask of some sort.
An important fact about the song ‘Bodies’ from Drowning Pool, is that the song was featured in the video game, Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock; appeared in the horror movie film Jason X trailer; and 2004 film of the Punisher. The song’s success was played on various radio and music channels in 2001.
According to Wikipedia, the music video was directed by Glen Bennett. The video has the band performing and acting as if they are in a mental institution. A man is strapped to a chair and Williams is screaming the lyrics into the ear. Clips were also used in the title animation for music program, Uranium. ITS was finished in late 2000, according to Wikipedia. In 2002, the lead singer, Dave Williams, was found dead of ‘heart failure’ in his tour bus. They toured with Ozzy Osbourne.
Following the shooting, the band released the statement on their website, DrowningPool, “We were devastated this weekend to learn of the tragic events that occurred in Arizona and that our music has been misinterpreted. ‘Bodies’ was written about the brotherhood of the moshpit and was never about violence.” The band then added, “For someone to put out a video misinterpreting a song about a moshpit as fuel for a violent act shows just how sick they really are. We support those who do what they can to keep America safe.”
It has now been several years since the shooting occured and still it remains a ‘mind boggler’ that the band, Drowning Pool, has not demanded that the YouTube videos be taken down considering the latest attempts from the government to crack down on Internet piracy and copyright infringement. This video is still allowed to go viral across the internet. If the band does not want to be associated with violence, then why are they allowing YouTube, who is owned by Google, and whom has a close relationship with the National Security Agency (NSA), to continue associating the song with the accused mass murder? Lastly, according to Wikipedia, “The song was used by interrogators at the Guantanamo Bay detention camps in 2003. “Bodies” was repeatedly played over a 10 day period during interrogation of Mohamedou Ould Slahi while he was “exposed to variable lighting patterns” at the same time.”
You-Tube Video: Jared Lee Loughner: This Student at Pima Community College – an Unconstitutional Crime: This video is about being a “victim” of fraud and the unconstitutionality of not having freedom of speech on the campus.
YouTube: Genocide in America: Pima Community College Another video surfaced that I could not personally find in the raw, but only what the mainstream media published, claiming Pima Community College released in September 2010 discussing his anger towards the college. This video was allegedly taken as Loughner was walking around Pima Community College in Tucson. Jared rants and declares the college unconstitutional and video tapes his entire anger towards the school. When the video is stopped at a scene inside the school, the man behind the camera turned around and revealed his reflection in the glass. The person that appears in the reflection does not resemble any of the pictures that were released in the mainstream or AP Press of Jared Lee Loughner.
Revisiting Loughner’s ‘MySpace’ Profile:
The discovered MySpace page caused Jared Loughner to file an official police report with the Foothills Police Department in 2008. Jared Lee Loughner reported he found a ‘fake’ MySpace profile with a stolen photograph claiming to be him with longer hair. Immediately following the shooting, the MySpace ‘profile’ was tossed around the media and used as a ploy to get the people to go to the site to view how crazy Jared Lee Loughner allegedly was. The media claimed it was Loughner’s profile and made no mention of Loughner reporting the page stolen to the Foothills Police Department. The MySpace page was allegedly Jared’s ‘goodbye’ to the world. FOX News was the only mainstream outlet that first reported that Loughner’s MySpace was reported stolen but then never
followed up with the lead.
Fox News reports, “a MySpace was found when he Googled his name on Oct. 3 after and finding an online profile on that included a picture of himself and other details that were inaccurate, according to the report. He did not suffer any financial loss from the incident and told police an old school friend named Alex probably created the fake MySpace account” (Fox News, Jan 2011).
The MySpace page was taken down immediately following the shooting and the public was left with a “screen shot” of the profile that cannot be traced back to the true owner. Interestingly, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp quickly sold the MySpace Company just over 5 months following the shooting, according to the NY Times. It was sold for $35 Million to a company called, Specific Media. Murdoch sold the MySpace Company for $545 Million less than what he paid. Some researchers have commented that it was suspect that News Corp sold the MySpace social networking site just after the shooting at a great loss.