Chapter 13: NASA & NAVY Negotiate for Tucson’s 9II False-Flag Operation

Gabrielle Dee Giffords aka Gabby was born on June 8th, 1970 in Tucson, AZ. She was a democratic member of the US House of Representatives from January 3, 2007 through January 08, 2012 and represents Arizona’s 8th Congressional district. Giffords is serving her third term in Congress when she was shot. She is considered a ‘Blue Dog” democrat due to her views on healthcare reform and illegal immigration. She has been considered at a source of criticism from various conservative groups and has described herself as a “former republican.” Giffords served in the Arizona House of Representatives from 2001-2003 and then the Arizona Senate from 2003-05. Giffords was also the CEO of El Campo Tire Warehouses that her grandfather owned, which sold out to Goodyear in 2000.
Giffords is a native from Tucson, AZ. She worked as an associate for the regional economic development at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) in NY City, which is considered one the world’s largest accounting and multinational professional services firm. It is based out of London, UK. In 2012, its total revenues were over $31 billion dollars. PwC’s key figure is Chairman, Dennis Nally. The company provides services such as audits, tax advisory, consulting, financial advisory, actuarial, and legal services. The company was formed in 1998 when Coopers and Lybrand and Price Waterhouse merged. It has offices across 159 countries and over 770 cities. It employs approximately 180,000 people. PwS has been involved in many controversies over the years that include, but not limited to: Ann & Mitt Romney’s tax return, JP Securities Audit, House of Lord’s inquiry into the UK and Northern Rock, Transneft Russian case, Global Trust Bank & DSQ Software case, Yukos prosecution and assisting Russian government while avoiding their own tax evasion allegations, the Satyam settlement, the Tyco multi-billion dollar accounting fraud case, ChuoAoyama suspension, American International Group’s questionable dealings, and Willie Nelson’s IRS tax seizure case of 1990.
Even more interesting is that PriceWaterhouseCoopers also has a 9/11 association. Five of their employees were on the passenger list of flight 11 and 175. Some researchers investigating 9/11 have questioned whether these employees were actually part of a team as they consisted of an accountant, two auditors, an attorney, and a partner.
Kelly Ann Booms, 24, Brookline MA; Jessica Leigh Sachs, 23, Billerica MA; Daniel R. Brandhorst, 41, Los Angeles CA; Brian Kinney, 29, Lowell MA; and Patrick J. Quigley, 40, Wellesley MA, all allegedly died on the flights as a result of the 9/11 Twin Tower attacks in 2001. Remember earlier, four Raytheon employees that were part of the Patriot Missile Project also allegedly died that day on flights.
Some of PwC’s top clients are Raytheon, ExxonMobil, Ford Motor Company, IBM, ChevronTexaco, GlaxoSmithKline, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Bank of America, Bank of China, Bank of Ireland, Barclays, Common Wealth Bank, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Anheuser-Busch, Miller, Bayer, Praxair, ROA UES, Chuma Electric, First Energy, Unified Energy, ATCO, Agilent Tech, Bell South, Krispy Cream, Kraft, Tesco, United Technologies, L-3 Communications, Unilever, Danone, Kelloggs, National Grid, Centrica, RWE, Rohm & Haas, American Express, Freddie Mac, Fidelity, 3M, Honeywell, eBay, Baxter Int., HealthSouth, Medco Health, Medtronic, Zimmer Holdings, Southern Cross Healthcare, Caterpillar, Ace, American International Group, AMB Generali, AXA, Legal and General, Liverpool Victoria, Millea Holdings, Progressive, Protective Life, Prudential Financial, Standard Life, Swiss Re, Zurich, CBS, CTCGlobemedia, Thomson, Viacom, Walt Disney, Pearson, Barrick Gold, Newmont mining, Rio Tinto, Vale, Alltel, Royal Dutch Shell, Colgate-Palmolive, Nike, Suncor Energy, EnCana, L’oreal, Bristol-Myers-Squibb, Johnson & Johnson, Merck & Co, Novartis, Abercrombie & Fitch, Yahoo, Laureus World Sports Awards, Cisco, Dell, Phillip-Morris, Carnival, SkyCity Entertainment, and much more.
The reason for the extensive list of companies listed above is that independent researchers across the world have stated they believe many of these companies were involved in the 9/11 attacks. Anything from Aerospace and technologies to paying the players and employees involved in the terror attack. It would seem quite appropriate to say hypothetically that if many of these companies were involved, then the ‘clients’ would have needed a lot of money to be moved around. That may have required the professional services of PriceWaterhouseCooper (PwC).
Gabrielle Giffords was on FOX news the night before the attack stating she was for the Congressional Pay Cut Act, which would provide a 5% pay decrease for members of Congress and states, “Everyone is being forced to make sacrifices. Members of Congress can’t ask any American to cut back before we are willing to make some sacrifices of our own. I’m prepared to do that and I want my colleagues to join me.”
Another key point revisited: Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords voted to audit the Feds. Fiscal Responsibility: Holding Irresponsible Companies Accountable. On Giffords’ website, she is in favor for holding irresponsible companies accountable and voted to “Audit the Fed.” “I voted to audit the Federal Reserve to find out exactly how bailout funds were distributed. I believe that we need to hold these companies accountable. And I supported laws requiring big banks and Wall Street to pay back 100% of any taxpayer funds they received, including returning CEO bonuses.”
Could Giffords have been seen as an enemy of a company that she worked for? Hypothetically, if the Feds are audited and many companies are exposed for corruption and fraud, a deeper look could reveal who was really involved in the twin tower attacks as well as other violent and terroristic false-flags on American soil – including violent and terroristic shootings. We know that Gabrielle Giffords endorsed the 9/11 Commission recommendations.
Gabrielle is married to Mark E. Kelly, former astronaut and the Space Shuttle Endeavor Commander. They were married on November 10, 2007. Her brother-in-law is Scott Kelly, Mark Kelly’s twin that is also an astronaut and commander of the International Space Station. In May 2011, Mark commanded his final space shuttle mission, STS-134, which was originally scheduled for April but was delayed due to technical problems and finally launched in May 2011 at the Kennedy Space Center. Giffords was given the clearance from doctors just over four months after her near fatal shot to the head to watch her hubby, Mark Kelly lift off on his final mission. Mark Kelly wore Giffords wedding ring into space. (Photosnip, AP Press, 2011).
Mark Kelly was born on Feb. 21, 1964 and grew up in West Orange, N.J. He flew on STS-108, 121, 124, and 134. Before Gabrielle Giffords, he was married to Amelia Victoria Babis of Roscommon, Michigan. They had one child together. His parents are Richard and Patricia Kelly, who reside in Florida. He graduated in 1982 from Mountain High School in West Orange, N.J
He retired as a U.S. Navy Captain following the shooting. He has an extensive career in the NAVY and NASA including being a test pilot. He was a Naval Aviator. He reported to Attack Squadron 128 at Naval Air Station (NAS). He was then assigned to Attack Squadron 115 (Atsugi, Japan), which he made two deployments to the Persian Gulf on the USS Midway. He flew 39 combat missions in Operation Desert Storm. He was also designated an Airwing Qualified Landing Signals Officer (LSO). In 1991, he was selected for the Naval Post-graduate School/Test Pilot School Cooperative Educational Program.
Kelly then completed 15 months of graduate work at Monterey, CA. He then attended the U.S. Navel Test Pilot School in 1993. He graduated in 94’ and continued to work at the Carrier Suitability Department of the Strike Aircraft Test Squadron at the Naval Air Welfare Center, Patuxent River in Maryland. He was then selected for the astronaut program. He reported for duty at the Johnson Space Center in 1996 and began training.
Apparently, following the shooting, Mark Kelly found God. In an article by USA Today: Faith and Reason, author Cathy Lynn Grossman, wrote in an article titled, Mark Kelly finds God, angels after Tucson tragedy. Do you?, Mark Kelly explains his experience finding God,
“But now, after the shooting, he recalls his three trips to space from a new perspective, seeing the planet, ” as God created it, in the context of God’s vast universe.”
In one corner of that vast universe, the memorial outside the Tucson hospital, filled with Bibles, notes of prayers and angel figurines, Kelly found a sacred space “a place with heaven itself as its ceiling” and realized,
You pray where you are. You pray when God is there in your heart.”
And then the man once unaware of fate stood on faith with a prayer that brought the breakfast to a moving close. He gave the words recited at Giffords’ bedside, the first night after the shooting, when Tucson Rabbi Stephanie Aaron, who married the couple in 2007, invoked a host of angels:
In the name of God, our God of Israel, may Michael, God’s angel messenger of compassion watch over your right side. May Gabriel God’s angel messenger of strength and courage, be on your left. And before you, guiding your path, Uriel, God’s angel of light and behind you, supporting you, stands Raphael, God’s angel of healing. And over your head, surrounding you, is the presence of the divine.”
Not everyone finds an epiphany in tragedy. For some, it is not a sign of God’s plan but proof God has forsaken them. For others, it’s a newfound path to prayer.”
The mainstream media tirelessly aired a dramatic storyline day-by-day until the final launch. Alternative media began to question why NASA’s name has appeared so many times in this case. Remember reader, Christina Green’s school had remnants of Mark Kelly and NASA even before this tragedy. Giffords husband just happens to be an astronaut of NASA and then mainstream and AP Press outlets geared up for months acting like a soap opera drama and pumped the nation over the launch as well as Gabrielle Giffords recovery. What about the other dead victims and injured?
Mainstream ignored them and Mark and Gabby have had their time on the stage. Judge Roll and the other victims were silent in the media. Many people have commented that NASA sure came out into the spotlight during this murderous rampage and gave the nation a much-needed superhero! Mark Kelly just happened to be the star of the NASA show during this time. Loughner, Giffords, and Kelly were all that the public heard about- and still continues to hear about. Mark Kelly just appeared in the spotlight, finished his last mission, and then retired right after the shuttle launch. (Photos, NASA 2011).
What about Christina Taylor Green and the unanswered questions we have? Could it be when I exposed on worldwide radio the true facts that Christina was not buried in Tucson and that there was a cover-up taking place that they needed to keep her and all the other lies out of the spotlight?
Recently, Scott Kelly was in a little hot water when he was exposed in Houston in October 2011 for using NASA training jets to visit girlfriends. According to ClicktoHouston News, federal agents and NASA’s Office of Inspector General has launched an investigation into the famous astronauts use of government jets to visit women all over the country. Kelly admitted in depositions that he did in-fact make several flights aboard NASA’s T-38 training jets to visit numerous women.
What is even more strange is when an article appeared in’s news section titled, 3 men arrested after woman tries to thwart alleged heist at Wal-mart, and showed a woman by the name of Monique Lawless that allegedly tried to stop three thieves from escaping Wal-Mart. According to the article,
““Lawless spotted the men getting into an older-model sports car “so I just started running towards the car, jumped on the hood and was kicking at the front windshield, trying to kick the windshield in,” she said. “I am screaming, ‘You punks, you are not going to get away with this,’ and people are looking at me, thinking what’s wrong with her?” Lawless said. “People were just standing around, probably thinking I am crazy.” Her crime-fighting effort didn’t stop there. Then I jumped on the roof and tried to kick in the sunroof, and in the meantime they’re just laughing,” said Lawless, a mother of two. “I was really upset then. I was mad.”
Okay, so the bizarre part is all three of the men involved in the alleged Wal-Mart theft were all named Sylvester! Sylvester Andre Thompson, 21: Sylvester Durlentren Thompson, 21; and Sylvester Primitivo Thompson 19, and they all lived at 4925 Harbin, Santa Fe. Even more stranger is when I researched Lawless’ Facebook page, a bizarre picture came up of this woman with either Mark or Scott Kelly! At this point, this story resembled a scene out of the X-files! Although the Facebook page does not tell whether it is Mark Kelly or Scott Kelly, the whole thing just makes your head spin at a high capacity rate. Google it yourself. Could Monica Lawless be one of Scott Kelly’s girlfriends he was visiting while stealing the NASA’s jets and ripping off the American taxpayers? (2011, Photo retrieved from Monica Fontenot- Lawless Facebook page; Astronaut Greg Johnson, Monica Lawless, Mark or Scott Kelly).
Some investigators believe that Gabrielle Giffords is not a real person and is an actor. It could be easy to believe she is an actress, but citizens that I spoke to in Tucson and others around the nation have confirmed to me directly that she is a real person and many people in Tucson have met her directly. I also find it fascinating that some citizens have reported directly from Tucson that they do not believe the ‘new and improved’ Giffords is really her. Is she the real Gabrielle Giffords? There is no proof that she is or is not the true Gabby at this time but you would be surprised at the medical procedures they can do on anyone these days!
She is, by all means, a product of a miracle. Just four days after being shot in the head at a point blank range, she was following commands and just a few weeks after the shooting, she was already in physical therapy. She was transferred from the University Medical Center in Tucson to Memorial Hermann Medical Center in Houston, Texas on January 21, 2011 for intense physical, occupational, and speech therapy.
Giffords’ speech pathologist, before being transferred to Houston, was a woman by the name of Kristi Lanier. Some researchers claim she is actually an actor. Wellaware1 claims she is Ronald Goble’s Facebook friend Desta Stutts. Ronald Goble is the man Wellaware1 did a comparison on claiming to be Dr. Steven Rayle, the doctor that was at the scene the day of the shooting as it took place, while visiting Giffords event (photo, AP Press, 2011).
A background check revealed that there is no state license listed under the name of ‘Kristi Lanier” according to a man by the name of ‘Watson’ that works at the AZ Department of Health. No address in Arizona could be found for this woman or any information. It is very startling that Giffords speech therapist, Kristi Lanier, is not licensed with the State of Arizona, Department of Health, and UMC let her practice.
Following the shooting, Giffords reportedly underwent a cranioplasty procedure on May 18th to replace part of her skull that was removed in January to keep her brain from swelling.
The majority of her recovery was hidden and no real pictures of her were released to the public until she appeared on August, 1, 2011 and made her first public appearance on the House floor to vote in favor of raising the debt ceiling. She received a standing ovation by other fellow members of Congress. Wow, just eight months after having been shot directly in the head by a 9mm Glock, she chose to make her first appearance in Congress to raise the debt ceiling! Just prior to the debt ceiling vote, the mainstream and other political figures fear-mongered the public on how the government would shut down and America would fall apart if the debt ceiling was not raised. Gabrielle then made a grand appearance on Capital Hill on the day of the debt-ceiling vote. The mainstream accredited her in hundreds of articles on how she saved America. Within 30 days, America had reached the new debt ceiling and American’s were broke again.
In October 2011, Giffords traveled to Washington for Mark Kelly’s retirement ceremony where she presented him with the Distinguished Flying Cross metal. She then was reportedly living in her husband’s Texas home. Kelly since released the famous memoir called, Gabby: A Story of Courage and Hope. It was released in November 2011. Both have been promoting their book across the Nation. Her co-author, Jeffrey Zaslow suddenly died in a car accident following the release of her memoir. (Photo, CBSNews, 2011).
While doing research in the Library of Congress, there are approximately 324 bills and resolutions that have Gabrielle Giffords name attached to them dating back to 2007-08. When Giffords launched her first candidacy campaign in 2006, she received national attention and was endorsed by no other than Big Sis, Janet Napolitano, Tom Daschle, Robert Reich, and Bill Clinton.
Giffords records show that her stance is as follows on public policy:
Abortion: Pro-choice, voted against Bush’s Economic Stimulus Package 2008, Voted against Economic Stabilization Act 2008 – then suddenly switched to a ‘yes’ vote, Voted for the American Recovery and Investment Act 2009, Critic of ‘No Child Left Behind’, proponent of Renewable Energy and Solar Power, supports gun rights, called for Federal Gov to do better job securing the border but stopped short of supporting AZ SB1070 Law, and voted to increase the debt ceiling.
Giffords graduated from University High School in Tucson, AZ. An anonymous citizen of Tucson spoke to her high school counselor and claimed the counselor said, “Giffords had no idea what she wanted to do when she grew up.” Interestingly for someone who allegedly did not know what she wanted to do from high school, she went on to receive her BA in Sociology and Latin American History from Scripps College in California in 1993. From there, she received her Masters of Regional Planning from Cornell University in 1996 focusing her studies on Mexico-United States relations. After Cornell, she continued her education in Chihuahua, Mexico on a Fulbright Scholar from 93-94. Gabrielle was also a fellow at theJohn F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard, according to many online bios.
Allegations against Giffords suggest that there is even more cause for concern of who this woman really is. Susan Hileman, Dr. DJ. Chandler, and Gabrielle Giffords both have ties to groups aligned with activities including mind-control (MK), Espionage, and the CIA. Remember in the Hileman section of this report, an interesting piece of information from a 1977 article stating, “Allen Dulles, the 1977 CIA director, asked Harold Wolff, a prominent Cornell neuropsychiatrist, to set up the Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology at Cornell Medical College, in order to research techniques of brainwashing, interrogation, indoctrination, and social engineering.” Dr. DJ Chandler also studies the ‘gifted minds’ and participated in many operations and human terrain Department of Defense training, as well as notable fields of mind control.
In recent years there has been investigations launched both publicly and independently of the ‘MK Ultra’ psychology mind-control projects in Tucson, AZ and other surrounding cities. In March 1995, Valerie Wolf, Claudia Mullens, and Chris deNicola’s testified in Washington on their experience as mind controlled victims. These women, were brave enough to come forward and told of a grim story of how they used radiation, electrodes, abuse, and other disgusting techniques to mind control them. They also named a ‘Dr. Green’ as their psychological abuser. Could the phone number that Loughner listed on his arrest record be Dr. Green instead of Dallas Green? It is another possible theory considering the presence of individuals attached to this case. Dr. Green was used as a ‘code name’ in psychological mind control projects after WWII.
According to a report called, Monarch: The New Phoenix Program II, 2008, posted at, “Dr. L. Wilson Green was a Jewish doctor who the Nazi’s coerced to participate in their experiments at Auschwitz. This individual, whose code name was Dr. Green, came to the US after WWII and began to experiment on adults and children for the military and CIA. The military and CIA copied the Nazi methodology and began numerous programs of their own.”
The first CIA program was known as MKULTRA, the MK is an abbreviation for the German words for mind control. According to MKULTRA documents and sources, the methodology of mind control works best when severe trauma is administered by the age of three years old. Severe trauma, such as rape, applied at the age of three will cause the personality to split or dissociate in an attempt to shield the mind from memories of events too painful to endure.”
It also goes on to say, “Cointelpro (counter intelligence program) was run by the FBI as a secret war against domestic dissidents. Targets included the civil rights movement, the anti-war movement, the environmental movement, and even the woman’s movement and oppositional political parties. The use of infiltration, psychological warfare, harassment through the legal system, and violence, including murder, began in the 1950’s.” William C. Sullivan, who ran the Cointelpro program in the 1960’s was killed in 1977 in a “hunting accident” shortly before he was to testify before a grand jury. The only FBI officials ever prosecuted were pardoned by President Ford.” Gabrielle Giffords graduated (same as Susan Hileman) from Cornell University where these MK projects were taking place.
Was Jared Lee Loughner a patsy or under mind-control? Was he a man that was set-up to carry out a mission only to be set-up in the end? It should also be noted that if a soldier is assigned highly clandestine work, the records are changed to make it appear as if the individual resigned from the military or was given civilian status; the process is called sheep dipping, after the practice of bathing sheep before they are sheared. Could Loughner have been a sheared sheep?
According to a personal conversation that I had with Holland Vandennieuwenhof, a writer/Producer of Free Mind Films, and producer of the amazing documentary called, A Noble Lie, which exposes the true evidence on the Oklahoma City bombing, told me that he believed that Timothy McVeigh was a victim of MK ULTRA. He spoke of a man by the name of Doctor Louis Jolyon (“Jolly”) West who was one of the largest MK ULTRA subcontractor under the CIA. He also stated that following the Oklahoma bombing, West was consulted just days to treat the first responders and victims to ‘manage’ their memories of the people who saw or witnessed anything. They were given 30 days of mental health treatment.
Timothy McVeigh was treated in the military many times through mental and dental health. Vandennieuwenhof found this suspect that McVeigh was treated so many times for dental health and was required to report to the VA every time that he relocated. His dental visits were more frequent what would be considered the ‘norm’ for dental treatment in the military.
Familiar characteristics have surfaced with this case and the Oklahoma City bombing patsy, Timothy McVeigh. Dr. D.J. Chandler is a hypothetical prime example of a person surfacing that appears to be a ‘trainer’ of mind-control, right out of UCLA, and specializes in the ‘gifted mind’ studies. Vandennieuwenhof told me directly that McVeigh also had a gifted mind and scored the ‘highest scores’ ever on Math tests. He was involved with hackers as a teenager and ‘hacked’ into the Department of Defense with no legal consequences.
In an interview Holland Vandennieuwenhof and Austin Green, both producers of the documentary, A Noble Lie, had with Grid Radio’s host, Bill Heid on Feb 3, 2012, he stated,
“After McVeigh was arrested, he was placed… Well, the defense counsel started consulting a Dr. Jolyon West out of the UCLA neuropsychiatric department. Dr. Jolyon West is a somewhat controversial figure. He kind of has a two-pronged presence in American history. One, he is the go-to guy expert on crazies and cults. He worked with Sirhan Sirhan, Patty Hurst, and Jack Ruby. Number two; he was one of the largest MK-ULTRA subcontractors under the CIA. He worked in MK-ULTRA starting as far back as the 1950s. Their mind control program, MK-ULTRA. He worked in the ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s under MK-ULTRA or its later incarnations. You have Dr. Jolyon West telling the defense counsel how to deal with McVeigh. When they want a regular psychiatrist for McVeigh, Dr. Jolyon West recommends his protégé, a Dr. John Smith, who treats McVeigh for several months while he’s incarcerated. Dr. John Smith is later chief of psychiatry at Guantanamo Bay.”
Giffords was born to Gloria Kay (n’ee Fraser) and Spencer J. Giffords. Her grandfather was Akiba Hornstein, the son of a Lithuanian Rabbi. Her grandfather changed his name to Giffords due to anti-Semitism and then moved to Southern Arizona from NY over fifty years ago. After college, he became the CEO of their family owned tire business called El Campo Tire. Giffords was the CEO of El Campo until it was sold to Goodyear in 2010.
Research shows that she was raised in a mix religion environment. Her father was Jewish and her mother practiced Christian Science. Giffords has identified herself with Judaism and belongs to Congregation Chaverim, which is a Reform synagogue, in Tucson. She has declared her Judaism religion since 2001. Giffords is also Arizona’s first Jewish Congresswoman.
Further research into Giffords reveals that she is a member of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). This league is an international non-governmental organization that is out of the United States. The ADL describes itself as “the nation’s premier civil rights/human relations agency.” The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was founded in 1913 by the Independent Jew only Order of B’nai B’rith, which means, Sons of Covenant. The rite was founded in 1843, in New York by several members of German-Jews and was headed up by a Henry Jones. The society is ‘labeled’ a Jewish Masonic Society that cloaks itself under the cover of ‘benevolence’ and philanthropy. These are just labels of course and the Internet ‘chit-chat’ that I overheard speculates that the ADL is labeled just as evenly as the ADL labels their ‘victims’ of their agenda.
Giffords is also a Hadassah life member. Hadassah is defined (by as a Woman’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc. Hadassah, and it’s affiliates has/had ties with Bernard Madoff, Securities Investor Protection Corp, JP Morgan & Chase, Birthright Israel Foundation, Madoff Securities International LTD, and George H. Bush through the National Constitution Center. Hadassah was founded in 1912, just before the Federal Reserve and the ADL by Henrietta Szold.
Bernard Madoff was recently convicted and serving a 150-year sentence for swindling billions of dollars from clients worldwide. He was arrested in 2008 for running the largest Ponzi scheme in history. It cost the victims, according to the NY Times, $64.8 billion in paper losses and $18 billion in cash losses. The victims ranged from different charities to university endowment funds. Mark Madoff, Bernard’s son committed suicide. Iving Picard liquidated the Madoff’s firm and sued JP Morgan for $19 billion in an attempt to win back some of the victims losses, according to a Bloomberg report posted on the Huffington Post. Hadassah agreed to return $45 million of the $97 million in profits they made over the course of its Madoff investment. The woman’s Zionist group was allowed to keep $52 million, according to a letter from Hadassah’s national president, Nancy Falchuk. (above: Bernard Madoff, on way to son’s funeral after arrest, AP Press).
In another report by Bloomberg published August 13, 2009, Madoff had an affair with the ex-Hadassah CFO, Sheryl Weinstein. “An accountant who has publicly blamed imprisoned con man Bernard Madoff for stealing her family’s savings has written a book that will disclose a secret she previously withheld — they once had an extramarital affair.”
JP Morgan & Chase were also implicated in the Madoff Ponzi scheme and a suit was filed in 2009, according to the NY Times, claiming they ‘aided’ Madoff. JP Morgan & Chase were also exposed recently when 32 plaintiffs file RICO action against JP Morgan & Chase for home mortgage fraud and demand for jury trial. More Class Action lawsuits have been filed on JP Morgan & Chase mortgage fraud. Lastly, just back in October, 2011, JP Morgan & Chase donated $4.6 million to the NYPD at the heart of the Occupy Wall Street protesting, according to an article posted by Innercity Press. PcW provided so-called proper audits in many of these scandals.
Securities Investor Protection Corp – The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filed an application on December 2011 with the federal district court, District of Columbia to compel the Securities Investor Protection Group (SIPC) and to file and application to begin the liquidation of Stanford Group Company (SGC), which is a Texan based broker-dealer that is registered with the Commission and a SIPC member brokerage firm.
In 09, the Commission brought civil enforcement action against Robert Allen Stanford, SGC, and others involving the multi-billion dollar Ponzi scheme. The SCG was placed on receivership, an action decided by the a federal district court in Texas. In a December 2011 recent report by Bloomberg titled, SEC Sues Security Investor Protection Corp. Over Stanford Claims, “the SEC sued Stanford and three of his businesses in 09, claiming they were part of a $7 billion Ponzi scheme centered on the sale of certificates of deposit by Antigua-based Stanford International Bank. The financier of this was indicted by a U.S. grand jury in Houston four months ago and has plead not guilty” (Photosnip, 2011. AP Press, Robert Stanford’s arrest, SIPC).
Finally, the last association with Hadassah is Birthright Israel Foundation – According to the Taglit Birthright Israel website, “The Birthright Israel Foundation supports Taglit-Birthright Israel, a program that provides the gift of first-time peer educational trips to Israel for young Jewish adults. Originally, the Foundation drew its primary support from a small group of committed philanthropists, the Jewish Federation system, the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) and the Government of Israel.