Autopsy Reports of Six Murdered
Christina-Taylor Green – ML-00069 – Age 9, shot (1) time in the torso. Autopsy was performed on 1/10/11 at 8:40am. No crime scene listed in autopsy.
Morris, Dorothy – ML-00065 – Age 76, shot (2) times in the torso; 1/09/11 at 2:20pm. Body was taken from the Safeway crime scene to Pima Co. Medical Examiner’s office on 1/8/11 at 5:45 pm. Body was identified by Pima County Sheriff’s Office personnel.
Roll, John, ML-00064 – Age 63, Federal Judge, shot (1) time in torso. Body was taken from the Safeway crime scene to Pima Co. Medical Examiner’s office on 1/8/11 at 5:45 pm. Autopsy performed on Jan 09, 11 at 10:40am. Body identified by Pima County Sheriff’s Office personnel.
Schneck, Phyllis – ML-00063 – Age 79, shot (1) time in head. Autopsy performed on 1/09/11 at 1:00pm. Body was taken from the Safeway crime scene to Pima Co. Medical Examiner’s office on 1/8/11 at 5:45 pm. Body identified by Pima Co Sheriff’s Office personnel.
Stoddard, Dorwan – ML-00067– Age 76, shot (2) times: head and torso; Autopsy performed on 1/9/11 at 3:30pm. Body is identified by Pima County Sheriff’s Office personnel. Body was taken from the Safeway crime scene to Pima Co. Medical Examiner’s office on 1/8/11 at 5:45 pm.
Zimmerman, Gabe – ML-00066 – Age 30, shot (2) times: head and graze to buttocks. Autopsy performed on 1/9/11 at 8:30am. Body is identified by Pima County Sheriff’s Office personnel. Body was taken from the Safeway crime scene to Pima Co. Medical Examiner’s office on 1/8/11 at 5:45 pm.